Friday, May 14, 2010

Scum of the Earth Forces 9-Year-Old Son into Oven

A real winner named James Moss from Staten Island got a little annoyed with his little 9-year-old son Wednesday and devised a wee bit of punishment: he held the boy's hands over his stove's burner for two minutes, then forced the kid to get naked, smacked him in the face, hit him with a spatula, dragged him across the store and shoved him into his oven. All the while threatening to burn him alive.

First of all, if this guy is employed, the employer better get rid of him. People tend not to patronize businesses that employ MONSTERS.

Secondly, Monster Moss is now sitting in Riker's Island, of Law & Order fame. Hopefully, he is not so much sitting as bending over and being well, hospitable, to the lonely lads on the cellblock.

Now, the kid was rummaging through his dad's wallet, and if he stole money from him, he was wrong. However, there are many other ways of dealing with kids in this situation. I don't think that forcing him into an oven is a rational or even sane option.

Mr. Moss is right up there with another evil parent, Lynne Middlebrooks Geter of Meriwether County, Georgia, who forced her 11-year-old son to kill his pet hamster with a hammer because she was mad about a bad grade the kid had received.

You know - this kind of person really ups the argument for post-natal abortion (theirs, not their kids').

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